Controls stem borers, leaf beetle etc.
Recommended Crops: Sugarcane, Cotton and all vegetable crops.
Dosage: 2000 insects per acre.
Controls Rice stem borer, Rice leaf holder, tomatoe fruit borer, sugarcane borer
Recommended Crops: Sugarcane, paddy, cotton and all vegetables.
Dosage: 12 cards/acre.
Controls caterpillars and similar insects.
Recommended Crops: For all crops
Dosage: 10 bugs/acre.
Controls Heliothesis and spodaptra
Recommended Crops: vegetables & other horticulture crops
Dosage: 5/acre.
Pest: All moths.
All crops 1/acre
Controls Larva/Pupal stages of insect border and root grubs of soil dwelling pests.
Recommended Crops: Vegetables, Banana, Sugarcane, Cotton pests.
Dosage: 4-5 Kg per acre.